Reporting Officer : F.Lalnuntluanga, Geologist Jr.

1. Location : Near Aizawl City Bus Terminal, Ngaizel
2. Date of incidence : 22th May, 2011 (around 10:00 PM)
3. Nature of incidence : Rockfall and rockslide
4. Causes of incidence : Hanging rock formation and removal of toe part, absence of
re-inforcement in any forms.
5. Triggering Factors : Heavy rain, vibration causes by heavy traffic in the vicinity
6. Casualty
1) Death : nil
2) Injury : nil
3) Property Damage : 1) Damage of Franky Automobile
2) Removal of  two vehicle parking inside the
   Franky Automobile
7. Observations:
1) Rockfall and rockslide do happened every year in this area, particularly from above
the road where rock formation are hanging. The 22 May, 2011 rockfall is same as the
previous incidence that happended on 17th August 2010 near Lalnghakliana Petrol
Pump which is 100m away from the present site.
2) The safety concerned of this area is, where some portion of the remaining rock beds
are disturbed by the roakfall causing fractures and broken in the rock beds, these
fractures and broken beds are no longer intact, inviting more percolation of rain wa-
ter which may in turn triggered another rockfall or collapse of the whole beds without
8. Recommendation:
1) In close observation and assessment of the rock beds, and concerning the public
safety, it is advisable to work-out some sort of regular monitoring of this area, par-
ticularly during rainy day.
2) The remaining hanging rock, which pose to fall at any given time and triggered any
larger disaster. These hanging rock beds may remove under the supervision of tech-
nical person.
3) Motor parking may restrict for some distance during monsoon period. For this pur-
poses, line department may identify and marks such areas.


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